Discover a vibrant community of cosplayers dedicated to their craft, showcasing intricate costumes, stunning makeup, and captivating performances. At TooManyGames, we love the cosplay community and welcome everyone from seasoned pros or if you are just starting your cosplay journey, our convention wants to see and showcase your skills!

Join us on a journey where fantasy becomes reality and ordinary transforms into extraordinary.

New for 2024 – we have expanded to include some cosplay guests to the event. Our cosplay guests will also be hosting our cosplay contest.

Scarlett Rose

Scarlett Rose (aka Jenna Caine) is a professional cosplayer, award winning IMDb credited voice actor, and content creator. She loves all aspects of sewing, hand stitching, armor building, and leather tooling.

Scarlett grew up influenced by video games and multiple fandoms such as Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, League of Legends, and Star Wars. Her love of fandoms began at the age of four. At that age, she also began to teach herself to mimic multiple different voices in shows and movies. So began her love of voice acting and theater.

She loves the female warrior aspect of different characters. She herself as a hobby enjoys sword fighting, archery, horseback riding, jujitsu, and kickboxing/MMA training.

Her next set of cosplays include Critical Role, Witcher, Arcane, and of course more Final Fantasy.

When not at cosplay conventions you can find her working on her voice acting, crafting, and gaming.

As an avid rabbit lover, you will also see her Netherlands dwarf bunny Chi Chi making an appearance. Although Chi Chi has yet to express an interest in cosplay or voice acting.

Siddeeqah Love

Siddeeqah Love is an award-winning cosplayer and seamstress with an affinity for bringing her Dungeons and Dragons personas to life. She is the founder of Cosplay Coded, an educational STEM organization with a cosplay twist and the Events Director for Philadelphia’s own Head Nerds in Charge(Cosplay pictured: original design, Amora, Dungeons and Dragon Paladin)


Jessi is a New Jersey-based fusion dance teacher, performer, artist, and cosplayer. Will she be in an elaborate costume, or something comfortable? She’ll figure it out days before the convention – nothing like the con-crunch. She is a founding member of the fusion dance group “The Gerudo Vagrants” that regularly feature cosplay in their performances, and has been featured at various East Coast conventions and productions. Jessi considers herself the “Internet Mom Friend.” As a spoonie, she advocates for herself and others with invisible illnesses. When not at conventions or dancing, Jessi loves to complain about Overwatch, play Devil May Cry, watch horror movies, and cosplay crunch. In her “real life,” Jessi works full time managing a team of audio and web engineers.
Instagram: @rainboanonymous | Instagram: @thegerudovagrants | Website:


LadyLavinias is an influencer manager for Gamesight, working directly with Wizards of the Coast for both Magic: the Gathering Arena and Dungeons & Dragons. She also currently manages the Dungeons & Dragons TikTok. She is an Award Winning Cosplayer.